Call for Special Sessions

The ICIR 2024 Organizing Committee invites proposals for Special Sessions. These Special Sessions complement the regular program and are intended to highlight important research directions in a field of special interest to ICIR participants. You can find specific information on already proposed special sessions here.

Required Proposal Information

Prospective organizers of Special Sessions for ICIR 2024 are invited to submit their proposals. Each proposal should include:

  • Title of the proposed Special Session.
  • Names, affiliations, short biographies and contact information of the session organizers (maximum three).
  • Brief description of the proposed session topic and discussion on why this is an appropriate topic.

Contributed Papers

Upon acceptance of the Special Session proposal, contributed papers will be submitted just like regular papers and will undergo a review process similar to that of regular papers submitted to ICIR 2024. At most, one paper in the Special Session may be authored by each single member of each organizing group.

Submission Instructions

Special Session proposals should be submitted by e-mail to Proponents of Special Sessions will be informed of the decisions by the Special Sessions Chairs by email. Further questions regarding Special Sessions may be directed to the Special Sessions Chairs.

Important Dates

Deadline for Special Session Proposals: 4 th of October 2024.