Application Competition for Intelligent Reality (ACIR)

Technological integration of smart interactive devices, immersive technologies, artificial intelligence, machine learning algorithms, IoT, and other emerging disruptive technologies are the future of propelling Intelligent Reality (IR). We challenge developers to create IR applications converging disruptive emerging technologies that provide interactive and intelligent user experience for immersive (VR/AR/MR/XR) environments.

Those interested in competing in the Application Competition for Intelligent Reality must submit their work for evaluation — 5th of November, 2024.

For your IR application to be evaluated and considered for awards, you must meet the following eligibility criteria and adhere to the submission instructions below:


The competition is open to anyone interested in Intelligent Reality development. You do not need to register for the conference to compete. Two competition tracks will be held:

  • Professionals: researchers, hobbyists, or professionals.
  • Students: from an accredited university


You may register as a team (up to five persons per group) or as an individual.


IR Applications (any developers and university students) submitted to the Competition must meet the following guidelines:

  • Implementation needs to be original work (existing or new are acceptable)
  • Implement techniques such as AI, ML, and other algorithms and run within VR/AR/MR
  • Answer evaluation criteria using the given PowerPoint presentation template
  • Record a 5 to 7-minute video (mp4) to showcase key implementation features
  • Grant IEEE rights to post-presentation and video on the IEEE ICIR2024 website
  • Students must attend an accredited university (for students only)

Detailed submission guidelines are provided HERE. Access the PowerPoint presentation template HERE.

Evaluation Criteria

  • Originality: How unique and innovative is the idea?
  • Implementation: What design methods and techniques have been used, development platform, language, tools?
  • Potential Impact: How does the project contribute to the IR domain?

Evaluation Team

  • TBD

Awards (at the discretion of the Evaluation team)

Awards to be announced soon.

Winners will showcase their submitted video and be asked 3-4 questions during the award ceremony.

Competition Submission Instructions

To participate in the competition you need to upload your PowerPoint presentation and recorded video to your personal cloud storage (Google Drive, Microsoft OneDrive, or others) by 5th of November, 2024, and email the shared link to

Important Dates

  • 5th of November, 2024: Due date to submit presentation and recorded video for evaluation
  • 20th of November, 2024: Notification of evaluation result
  • 6th of December, 2024: Award during the ICIR2024 closing ceremony